
Quick Links
Uniform are available to purchase from online shop at
Shop Address from where parents can also buy Kings Liverpool uniform:
Brienda Ltd (Schoolwear)
74 Muirhead Avenue East
L11 1EL
Tel: 0151 226 3333
Opening times: Monday to Saturday 9:30am – 4:30pm

Insurance Notice
We recommend that parents/carers make their own arrangements for insurance of bags, clothing, watches mobile phones, Chromebooks, pens, bicycles etc. – usually by an extension of your home insurance. Please never allow your child to bring anything expensive or of sentimental value into school, particularly pens, watches jewellery or large sums of money. Students should report anything lost to staff immediately.
All items of clothing must be clearly marked with your child’s name.
Day Uniform
Shirt Plain white with tidy stiff collar (long sleeve design is mandatory with no patterns or trademarks).
Tie King’s tie knotted close to the collar with the King’s emblem showing. The length of the tie must extend to the trouser belt, short ties are not permitted.
Pullover King’s pullover only, grey with wine collar stripe. (To be worn first day after October Half Term)
Boys Trousers Dark charcoal and of sensible style (no slim fit trousers). Denim, cords or cotton trousers may not be worn.
Boys Socks Plain and Black
Girls Skirt Dark charcoal, box pleated worn to knee length. Skirts above knee length are not permitted. Trousers are permitted during inclement weather. Please refer to guidance for boys above, only plain straight leg styles are allowed.
Girls Socks Black tights (not sheer); if socks are preferred they must be black in colour and worn to knee height, trainer socks are not permitted.
Shoes Appropriate school shoes must be lace up and of a formal style that can be polished. Shoes that are like boots, trainers in appearance, made of suede or overly branded are not allowed. Slip on, buckled and velcro are also not allowed. We also request that shoes should not be visibly branded. Any visible branding tags should be cut off on any shoes. Below are some images to add clarity.
Physical Education Uniform
Indoor Sports: King’s Tracksuit; King’s black short sleeved polo shirt, plain black shorts, plain black sports trainers (lace tied), plain white sport socks.
Outdoor Sports: King’s Tracksuit; King’s long sleeved outdoor top; thick football type black socks; shin pads and plain black football boots and trainers, King’s drawstring bag. Pumps, plimsolls or high-tops are not acceptable for P.E. lessons since they do not provide adequate ankle support.
Other Uniform Items
School Coat Plain dark sober anorak style to cover blazer. Hoodies are not permitted.
Stationery King’s pencil case, King’s black pen, 2 King’s pencils, ruler, protractor, eraser, tipex is not permitted.
Additional Guidance
Travelling to and From school full uniform must be worn, this demonstrates pride in the school.
School bags There are only 3 styles of bag which are permitted: Rucksack, holdall and drawstring bag. Handbag/fashion style bags are not permitted. Branded Rucksacks are available to purchase from school directly.
PE Additional Information Regardless of illness or injury, students are expected to bring full P.E kit to all lessons in order to participate in a variety of leadership roles.
Hair and Makeup Students are expected to wear hair in a neat and acceptable style. Hair must be of one colour and natural in appearance. Hair styles (including shaved heads of less than grade 3) judged to be extreme by the Principal are not permitted. Make-up, including coloured nail varnish, lip gloss and fake tan, is not to be worn. Hair fashion accessories are also not to be worn. False nails or other such accessories are not acceptable. If hair bands are worn they should be black only. At King’s School we expect the highest standards in everything we do, this includes appearance.
Jewellery With the exception of a personal watch, jewellery (including studs, rings, earrings or any other body/facial piercings) are not permitted. This is because of the potential risk from accidental damage when wearing such items, students wearing jewellery will have their items confiscated. We will do our best to assist your child in safeguarding their property. However, the school does not take any responsibility for the loss of or damage to personal possessions brought on to the site. Large amounts of money or items of value (including personal audio equipment [such as MP3 players, expensive phones], electronic games) are best left at home. Such items will be confiscated by staff if they are visible in lessons or on corridors without a teacher’s permission. Under these circumstances a receipt will be issued and the property can then be collected by parents from the registrar at the school reception.
Mobile Phones We advise that students do not bring mobile phones into school. However, we do recognise that some parents may wish their child to have a mobile phone with them as they travel to and from King’s. Any mobile phones brought in must be both switched off and put away whilst on the premises. We do not take any responsibility for loss of or damage to mobile phones. Inappropriate use of phones in school will result in confiscation without notice (under these circumstances a reciept will be issued and the property can then be collected by parents from the Registrar at the school reception). Should you need to contact your child in an emergency, please use the main school number which is available on our website.
Religious Dress The School recognises that some students may wish to wear distinctive garments for religious reasons. However, the school reserves the right to determine the religious garments that will be allowed after consultation with representatives of parents/carers and local leaders of the relevant religious groups. No dress will be allowed that covers any part of the face from forehead to neck in the interests of safety. It is vital that the school staff can recognise at all times who is in school. Should parents/carers require their child to wear a specifically religious garment or symbol, they should contact the School who, after consultation, will contact the parent/carer with a decision. Current guidelines permit the following:
- Religious head covering may be worn but must be plain, as well as of an agreed colour to be fixed upon by the School. In most cases, the standard colour would include black or white, although exceptions may be made in consultation with the school.