
New Online Resources for Students

As of today, two major national digital learning initiatives come online for our students – BBC Bitesize Daily and The Oak National Academy. We strongly recommend their use. 

Both online resources offer daily lessons for students from Year 1 to Year 10. The Oak National Academy resources can be accessed from the website www.thenational.academy.

BBC Bitesize Daily allows students to access daily lessons from the website, BBC iPlayer and Red Button. The BBC explains their offering as follows:

BBC iPlayer and the Red Button service will host Bitesize Daily. These are six different 20 minute shows, each designed to target a specific age group, from ages five to 14, and for pupils throughout the UK. Experts and teachers will be involved, covering what should be learned that day for the different year groups and key stages. Maths, Science and English will be covered in dedicated programmes, and other subjects such as History, Geography, Music and Art will also be covered.

For older students, BBC Four is also joining forces with Red Button for evening programmes to support the GCSE and A Level curriculum.

‘In addition, BBC Sounds is also launching separate podcasts, aimed at either primary or secondary pupils, to support everyone learning at home. The daily shows, each around 10 minutes long, will link with content on Bitesize which supports education and also your other needs, in what is likely to be a confusing and worrying time for many young people as we continue to live in lockdown.

Bitesize also has an app. This will be providing daily lessons for 14 and 15 year olds. Find out more about the app here.

Our staff are available to support students with their online studies and if students need help they should get it touch via the usual channels.

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