
King’s Liverpool Students Win Tickets to Unity Theatre to Watch ‘The Spine’

Last week 30 King’s Liverpool students went to watch acclaimed play ‘The Spine’ at Liverpool’s Unity Theatre after winning tickets at the Fire Fit Tournament recently.  The production has been put together by theatre company 20 Stories High and written by Nathan Powell who has created a hard hitting piece of theatre which explores the world of the football academy.  Centring around the stories of three young football players the play focuses on themes such as institutional racism, masculine pride and the impact of football academies on players and their families.

King’s Liverpool students were invited to play football at the Firefit Hub in Toxteth where they played a series of matches against 6th Formers.  The successful team won tickets to watch ‘The Spine’ as a result.  The students had a fantastic night with some experiencing a night at the theatre for the first time.

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