
King’s Liverpool Students collaborate with 20 stories high

In 2019 Liverpool Cultural Education Partnership gave last year’s Year 9 students the opportunity to work with Theatre Company 20 Stories High on a spoken word project.  20 Stories High make gritty, challenging and original productions and work with young people from a range of backgrounds and cultures. 

As part of the project students from King’s Liverpool wrote poetry describing their experiences of living in their area working closely with the professionals from 20 Stories High.  They were then invited to a performance of the theatre company’s production ‘Black’ which tackles issues around racism in the community.

Watch the video to find out more:

The work here with 20 Stories High laid the foundations for the Year 9 students’ success at the Now Festival 2019 where they won the competition with their production of ‘To Who It May Concern’. This year’s Year 9 students have followed in their footsteps scooping up more awards at Now Festival 2020 this month.

Now in Year 10, the students are now working with Merseyside Youth Association on another film where they will get the chance to work with a professional film crew.

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