
Free online parenting courses available to families in liverpool

Please find below information on the SOLIHULL online parenting programme which is FREE for all parents in the Liverpool area and provided by Liverpool City Council:

To all parents, grandparents and carers:

 ·         We believe parents are their children’s first and most important educators.

·         We are committed to developing a strong relationship between parents and school

·         We also encourage children to develop ‘growth mind-sets’, so children believe that ability and success are not pre-determined, but due to learning.

We are therefore delighted to offer you FREE access to a range of online courses, normally £9-£39 per person.

These courses are for ALL parents-to-be, parents, grandparents or carers of any child from antenatal up to age 18 years who want to be the best they can be.  You don’t need to be struggling. This course is relevant to parents of all children, including those with special needs, autism, ADHD etc.

To access the courses visit  www.inourplace.co.uk  and enter the ACCESS CODE: PURPLEBIN   

Choose from the following courses:

·         Understanding your baby

·         Understanding your pregnancy, labour, birth and your baby

·         Understanding your child (0-19 years, main course)                                                        

·         Understanding your teenager’s brain (short course)

You will be asked a few questions and your postcode to confirm that you are eligible to use these codes. Your responses will not be linked to your name. You will also be asked to create an account so that you can revisit the course anytime, on any device and resume where you left off.

You will not receive any marketing emails. Your details will not be passed on to any third party, not even the council or the school.

For further information about the course visit www.inourplace.co.uk 


How your child develops

Introduction to how the course works, lots of great information about what is going on inside your child’s brain and how this affects their behaviour. 

Understanding how your child is feeling

Exploring the signs and signals that tell you how your child is feeling.

Tuning into what your child needs

Responding to how your child is feeling

Different styles of Parenting

Having fun together

Rhythm of interaction

In this session we’re going to look at what’s called the Dance of Reciprocity, the way that we communicate with each other and our children. We are going to think about what this teaches us about managing feelings and behaviour.

Why sleep is important?

In this session we’re going to explore how sleep is directly linked to your child’s healthy development as well as to their mental and physical wellbeing. We are also going to explore the link between reciprocity and everyday behaviours such as sleep.

Self Regulation and Anger

In this session we’re going to continue looking at self-regulation and think about the way in which our understanding of the Dance of Reciprocity affects self-regulation

Communication and tuning in

In this session we’re going to look at how the way we communicate shapes and reflects the relationship between parent and child. Because the ways we communicate are not always perfect and we’re not always in tune with our children, we’re going to explore how to make things better.

Looking back and looking forward

This session will be a little different as it’s the last one. We’re going to draw the course to a close, reflect on containment and reciprocity, and summarise what has been going on over the last 10 modules.


Enjoy the course and give us your feedback!

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