Year 9 Options / Parents Evening will take place on Thursday 11 Feb from 5pm-7.30pm via SchoolCloud

In Pursuit Of a Brighter Future.

A non-selective school with grammar school ethos and standards where extraordinary things happen.

WHAT's HAPPENING At King's Liverpool?

King’s Liverpool continues to grow and develop as a central part of our local community.

About Us

We believe that our ‘values led’ approach to education will equip your child for a happy and successful life.

Our focus is on academic success and gaining a place at university. We work closely with the University of Liverpool so all our pupils visit and get a feel for what life as a university student would be like.

We have small class sizes which are organised in ability groups for all years. Our curriculum is broad and varied and we also offer a wide range of after-school activities.

Our uniform is a symbol of who we are and what we stand for. We pride ourselves as a community in our professional appearance, manner and attitude.

The details matter. Excellent attendance and punctuality are the first steps to a successful school career and we know that you will fully supoort us in this vital part of what we do.

We have the highest expectations of behaviour in the classroom and around the school.

We also prepare students for their future lives through Character Education (based on our ASPIRE values), Leadership Programmes and Personal, Social and Health Education.

The curriculum at King’s Leadership Academy Liverpool is designed to be broad and balanced, so all students are able to master academic, technical and creative subjects in order to make the next steps to sixth form, University and a successful career.

We have an extended curriculum of enrichment activities for all students and a homework club where students can access computers and get help from staff.

Your child will study English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography and a European language along with Computing, Design and Technology, Physical Education, Art, Drama and Music.

Secondary School in Liverpool

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.

- Aristotle

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Your CHILD's Future Starts Here.

Contact us to arrange a visit or to find out more about the admissions process.